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The Middletown Wrestling Club will be back at Middletown High School for the 2023-2024 Winter Season!!

Due to the size of the facility and the number of participants, NO spectators will be permitted into the wrestling room or in a classroom. 

Our Tots will practice 2x per week beginning on December 5, 2023. Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00-7:00pm.

Our Intermediate & Advanced will practice 3x per week beginning on November 6, 2023.  Monday 6:30-8:00pm / Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30pm.


MWC Intermediate & Advanced MWC Intermediate & Advanced

MWC - Intermediate & Advanced: ages 7-15
Winter registration- $200.00   

 Practice Schedule:
 3x per week, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
Practices begin November 6 and season concludes March 7, 2024
 Location: Middletown High School: 120 Silverlake Road, Middletown DE 19709

Our goal for the 2023-2024 season is to promote the team environment and compete together in MORE events. We have a superior staff to increase the development of the entire room. Our expectation is to build competitive teams to compete in regional tournaments and build exposure to national level competition.

Your wrestler will be assigned to a coach and you will be contacted directly by the coach with your practice and competition schedule.

Schedules will be posted on the website as soon as they are finalized.
Head Coach-TBD

All MWC members are REQUIRED to purchase a USA Wrestling membership card for insurance and benefits from USA Wrestling before registering through Blue Sombrero link below. Your USA Card will be your access card to every practice.

How to become a USA Member:
Start off by clicking the link below and create a new user account. Fill out all information and select Folkstyle and select continue. On the next screen you will be given a USA ID # (SAVE THIS NUMBER). Click continue. On the next page you will see Athlete- click on that and select add as new member. Continue after verifying the info is correct. Next you will click the "GET" button to pull up a text box, there you will type in Middletown Wrestling Club and Delaware to select our club. Continue through the process until you are complete. Print or save the Card for future reference. I assure you, it only takes 3 -5 minutes.

Tentative Practice Schedule:

First day- November 6, 2023.
Monday 6:30-8:00pm
Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-8:30pm
Location: Middletown High School: 120 Silverlake Road, Middletown DE 19709 

MWC Blue Register here

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.
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